CFP National Championship: Both Washington and Michigan Perform Abortions; Troubled NCAA Should Have Banned Them From Post-Season Play

The University of Michigan and the University of Washington are both open and notorious about declaring that they perform abortions.

It is indisputable that abortion is an act of violence with its sole purpose being to kill a specific human individual.

Michigan and Washington should have been banned from post-season play.

The NCAA once leveled severe sanctions against Penn State over child molestation.

Abortion is even worse, even more painful and destructive, and has as its primary purpose the killing of a child in her mother's womb.

The failure to issue sanctions against abortion schools is yet another embarrasment for a troubled NCAA bedeviled by fringe ideologies.

Whatever the numbers of actual surgical or chemical abortions perpetrated by Michigan and Washington, abortion in general is the most widespread deadly violence, and most widespread human rights violation, in American history.

Since Roe v. Wade in 1973, it is believed that more than 63 million surgical abortions have occurred in the United States alone, not including chemical abortions.

To put it in perspective, that number is similar, for example, to the number of votes needed to win the presidency.

Then there is the racial factor. Even as college football exploits Black athletes to a greater proportion than Whites, abortion has emerged as a kind of anti-Black genocide, killing off Blacks in their mother's wombs as several times the rate, per capita, as Whites.

Under the circumstances, you should have nothing to do with the College Football Playoff, nothing to do with the NCAA or conferences featuring abortion schools, and nothing to do with Michigan, Washington, other abortion schools, or athletic contests that feature them.

That includes not applying to those schools; not giving them money or supporting their funding; not doing business with them or their personnel; and abstaining from doing business with their sponsors. That also means not driving up their web traffic, or related web traffic such as ESPN's, that can be used to bolster revenue.

It would be impossible for abortion to have existed with such magnitude if not for a relentless campaign to treat the unthinkable as nonchalant business as usual.

Allowing abortion providers to field sports teams attempting to tap into feel-good Americana adds to a climate of morbid complacency with what is widespread deadly violence.

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Key Words: NCAA College Football Playoff, Michigan Football, University of Michigan, Abortion, Prenatal Killing, Human Rights Violations, Washington Football, University of Washington, College Football

Ultrasound of Preborn Child in Womb, with Anti-Smoking Message from CDC